A Success Story: Arthrosamid® Injection for Knee Arthritis

Being the first clinic in Essex to offer the cutting-edge treatment of Arthrosamid® injections for knee arthritis last year, we are thrilled to report that the results are proving time and time again to be successful. So far we haven’t had a patient return with zero response to the treatment, and everyone has had a 50-100% improvement at the 4 month mark post treatment.  One of our patients reported a massively improved range of motion with no pain at all at 12 weeks which enabled him to return to work, and another patient stated that she was still pain free at 9 months post treatment.

One of our most recent patients (male, 72, a keen golfer) had struggled with knee arthritis for years; using steroid and prolozone injections for temporary relief, and he’d also had two surgeries - Arthroscopies - yet his “bone on bone” severe arthritis was worsening with time and interfering daily with his quality of life.

We suggested Arthrosamid® as a solution, and once the patient had all the information, he was happy to proceed.  It is important to note that Arthrosamid® only has around 3 years of human data in the research but there is around 20 years of data in animal use.  Arthrosamid® is a single injection treatment and is actually classed as an implant device because it can not be broken down by the body once it is in the knee.  It is indicated for all levels of knee arthritis - including severe bone on bone.

Arthrosamid® is 2.5% cross-linked polyacrylamide and 97.5% water. When injected into the knee Arthrosamid® has been shown to provide a structural cushioning, reducing pain, decreasing stiffness, and helping movement for a sustained period.

Being a substance that can not be broken down, it lasts in the knee joint for years, giving long term relief from arthritis pain to the vast majority of people who have it done.  The data suggests 80% of people will have a significant improvement.

We welcomed the patient back for a four-month review and the results were astounding.  The patient reported that he felt the injection working at around 4 weeks post treatment as the daily pain was easing, with an incredible 90% improvement at the time of our review.   The patient felt no discomfort from the kneecap, with only a few occasional niggles, and he felt more confident as his knee was feeling more sturdier, stronger, powerful and no longer locking.  He was incredibly happy with the results, as were we!

For the full review and for more information, please check out our latest video on the website.

We’re so pleased that our patients are happy with their investment into their health, and we are proud to offer this ground-breaking treatment at The Leigh Injection Clinic.  We’re based in Leigh on Sea in Essex - perfect for patients in Essex, Kent, London, and surrounding areas. 



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